Language Switcher

Starting a Blog


Hello world, I’m K-Bo.

I’ve decided to start a blog from January 2022. I’ll be writing in English and Japanese. If interested, please check out my Japanese entries as well. Who knows, maybe you’ll pick up a little Japanese.

I can come up with a few reasons, but in short, self-satisfaction. I do hope that by documenting things I’ve experienced, I can help someone out there with a problem they’re facing. Then again, I might just be trying to help myself. There’s no guarantee that I will remember what I know today, tomorrow. Right?

Is that it?

No. I wanted to challenge myself to something new this year.

One of the things I set out for myself is to try to understand the Internet a little better. I’ve been using it for close to 30-years now, consuming information. I wondered what it would be like to manage my own website. So, here I am, starting my blog site.

I’ve been using office applications from Microsoft, Apple, and Google and have become pretty good at using them. Still, I could probably use software from these companies a little more efficiently so I’m challenging myself to dig deeper so I can learn new tricks to improve my workflow.

There are other things I want to try with my digital devices.

I want to learn digital painting with Procreate.

I want to learn how to use Photoshop.

I want to learn how to edit videos.

I also want to learn how to code in Python.

The plan is to document my experience with these challenges as a means so I don’t quit half way.

Before I go…

I’ll do my best to continue my entries consistently.

As mentioned earlier, this blog is to fulfill my self-satisfaction, but I hope it is useful and entertaining for some of you out there.


Posted by K-Bo